International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual event to celebrate women’s achievements and spread the message of female empowerment and gender equality across the world. It has been recognised for over a century and continues to grow in reach every year. Bath Unlimited is running a week-long campaign beginning 8th March to showcase female entrepreneurs, trail blazers and icons in the Bath area, it is no surprise that after Bath topping the ranks in 2020 as the UK’s Most Progressive City that we are in an exceptional place to celebrate incredible women for IWD this year. To start the week off we spoke to Professor Carole Mundell and what gender equality means to her.

Which action or decision are you most proud of?
Stepping outside of my comfort zone beyond academia and into government where my skills and expertise can have wider impact and benefit.

Which women do you admire the most?
I am inspired by the energy and drive I see in young women today who are challenging the status quo and driving real change. I also admire immensely the courage and tenacity of trail-blazing women who opened up opportunities for future generations by being firsts in their own right.

Why is it important to support International Women’s Day?
No man is an island. This is one day where we can all recognise and thank the women in our lives and work to make the world a better place for now and future generations – whether in Bath or the wider world where women and children are disproportionately disadvantaged by poor processes, systems, violence and disease.

Have you encountered any related challenges in your career along the way to working in Science?
Inequality is science is pervasive and persistent; I have encountered structural barriers and wasted energy tackling toxic workplace cultures. The challenge of solving frontier science problems is the kind of challenge I like to focus on instead!

In your opinion could businesses in Bath be doing more for gender equality?
Everyone can be doing more for gender equality. It makes great business sense. Why draw from and enable only 50% of the talent pool available to you? And check your gender pay gap. That’s a first practical step on the path to equality.

What’s the key message you want to share on International Women’s Day?
Women are approximately 50% of our species but their contributions are often unseen or actively hidden. It is important to celebrate, recognise and thank them and think about how to do better in the following 364 days! Send a thank you to your colleague, friend or relative – and if you can do that internationally, even better!

How can we encourage more women to pursue a career in Science?
Role models are vital; you can’t be what you can’t see. Encouraging women into science is only part of the process. Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where they thrive and will want to stay is the other half of the equation. The diversity of your organisation speaks volumes about its culture.

Carole Mundell

Professor of Extragalactic Astronomy
University of Bath


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