Grant Associates
30m high Supertrees, for Gardens by the Bay, Singapore
Built & Natural Environment
£5.1m T/O
40 UK Employees
Founded 1997
Unlimited ambition
Grant Associates is a pioneering international landscape architecture practice. Our work reconnects people with nature in insightful, delightful and distinctive ways whilst addressing the global challenges of urbanisation, the climate crisis and biodiversity extinction.
Unlimited innovation
Our design process is underpinned by a knowledge of human behaviour, nature and ecological science combined with innovative design technology. We bring original thinking, creative collaboration and are exploring what regenerative design and the circular economy means to landscape architecture.
Unlimited potential
We deliberately choose to take on a broad spectrum of project types — from small-scale interventions, to mega-sized planning studies. Every project presents a different challenge, which keeps life interesting. Today, we continue to build a reputation for contemporary landscape design in different countries, embracing all kinds of scales and types of projects, in urban and rural environments.
Looking ahead, we believe there are enormous opportunities for us to redefine the increasingly high density urbanised world by always thinking about how to assert the systems of nature alongside the senses of nature using our unique imagination.
Unlimited talent
Our success is built on the experience and skills of every single person at Grant Associates. We have a brilliant, multi-skilled, multi-national team, made up of landscape architects, architects, 3D modelling and visualisation specialists and horticulturists. We do all we can to make the studio an inspiring and rewarding environment, enriching the professional and personal lives of everyone under our roof.
In 2006, we led a competition winning team to design the 54 hectares of Bay South, Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. This multi award-winning project allowed us to establish an office in Singapore, and we have continued to grow our international portfolio, as well as our UK business.
Did you know...
Bath Community
Grant Associates was one of the founding signatories of UK Landscape Architects Declare.
Working with Bristol Zoological Society, the Richard Feilden Foundation, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and Buro Happold, we are supporting a project to save Madagascar’s critically endangered Blue-eyed black lemur and their forest habitat.
Andrew Grant co-founded Bath’s contemporary, annual pop-up arts event Forest of Imagination. The festival has seen different spaces in, and around, Bath transformed into fantastical ‘forests’ since 2014.
Andrew Grant formed Grant Associates in 1997 to explore the emerging frontiers of landscape architecture within sustainable development. Our early projects include the Earth Centre in Doncaster and the RIBA Stirling Prize-winning Accordia in Cambridgeshire.
In 2006, we led a competition winning team to design the 54 hectares of Bay South, Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. This multi award-winning project allowed us to establish an office in Singapore, and we have continued to grow our international portfolio, as well as our UK business. We now employ over 70 staff.
How does Bath Influence your work?
Bath gives us inspiration as the definitive exemplar for how you create a quality living environment within a compact city. We can apply these principles anywhere in the world in terms of the relationship with buildings, the landscape, the water, the diversity, the quality.
As a World Heritage Site, Bath creates a particular, and fascinating, context for the architectural debate, particularly between architecture and public spaces. The city centre should be world class and be judged against the best in the world. That’s an exciting place to work!
We are deeply connected with Bath as a ‘landscape city’. In 2017, Andrew Grant became Chair of Bathscape Landscape Partnership, a project to start to reinforce, restore and highlight the landscape setting of the city. It’s about redefining Bath as a landscape city and making people really appreciate the qualities that we have in that relationship between the landscape setting and the amazing architecture.
We also aim to ‘give back’ to Bath. By helping to set up and nurture Forest of Imagination we have seen how we can energise the creative ecology of Bath to create a wonderful pop up festival. The event showcases the creative capabilities of the city in public spaces rather than hidden in galleries and behind the Georgian facades.
Where are you based?
Milk Street, Bath, and Tras Street, Singapore.
Contact details
Andrew Grant, Founding director