Cross Manufacturing
Sealing The Future. Precision, bespoke engineered sealing solutions for challenging applications
122 Bath employees
Founded 1938
Unlimited ambition
A world leading manufacturer of precision, bespoke engineered, high temperature & corrosion resistant metallic sealing rings, retaining rings and brush seals for challenging industrial environments, using processes that produce high strength, high integrity products.
Unlimited innovation
Our versatile product ranges, innovative and flexible manufacturing facilities and experienced engineers can create successful solutions to countless sealing applications. Whatever the needs are, we can help to seal the future of sustainable applications..
Unlimited potential
Our dedication to quality and excellence is recognised around the world by industries including aerospace, automobile and power generation. Our services increasingly extend beyond our established markets to encompass many diverse applications, supporting the fight against climate change by reducing emissions and working with new sustainable fuels. Over 90% of our output is exported directly or indirectly.
Unlimited talent
The loyalty, skills and dedication of our employees – many of whom have been with us for all their working lives - is a greatly cherished cornerstone of our success and source of optimism for the future of Cross.
Roland Cross invented his Rotary Valve Engine and subsequent ability to manufacture drawn steel wire piston rings in the 1920s and 30s.
Did you know…
Bath Community
Cross supports many local charities, with particular emphasis on young people, science and engineering.
Roland Cross invented his Rotary Valve Engine and subsequent ability to manufacture drawn steel wire piston rings in the 1920s and 30s. This led to the establishment of the Cross Manufacturing Company in 1938.
How does Bath influence your work?
Cross was founded in Bath – the home of the Cross family – and continues to be based at the same, much expanded, head office and factory.
The Bath area’s close association with technologies and industries including aerospace and engineering has helped to provide Cross with a skilled and loyal workforce, whilst a partnership with Bath University includes collaboration on research and development projects for advancing sealing technologies.
Where are you based?
Head office in Bath. Offices and manufacturing facilities in Bath and Devizes.
Dedicated agencies serving territories around the world.
Contact details